Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Beauty transcendent
Vanilla swirl soft serve
Freckled with sprinkles of Roy G. Biv

Eyes of sea and sky and star that pierce
Sing out like lighthouse beacons
Beckoning me home
Cuts through this fog of thoughts
Permeating the folds of this subconscious mind

Those eyes
Of pale green or blue, or is it aqua marine
The gods have yet to invent a name for a color
That is all color at once
Conducting an orchestra of smell, taste, touch, light, sound
To a crescendo of senses that ebb and swell

I would wear each of your rings around my fingers
Beyond eternity
Scribes would spin tales of a love so epic
Chiseling our names on the walls of cathedrals

To dream of a kiss
Late summers’ blackberries
Drenched in heavy cream
The taste still whets my lips when I


On a pillow stained black
Ink blots of mascara
Tears slid sideways
Tearing ditches
Cheek bone, nose, to cheek bone
Needing stitches
And I wipe and wipe and wipe
But some stains never fade

Patient diagnosis: terminally ill
Warrior, casualty of love
Born A.D. 83
Died sometimes, somewhere far away
Awash in a sea of her own desire

And somewhere between
Wake sleep wake
A realization
Of this

But when one dreaming minute
Equates to lifetimes
We exist
If only in that lifetime


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