Wednesday, October 05, 2005

this is not about love, cuz i am not in love

i had digital photo this morning with yasser which was awesome as usual. he tried to say organism and it came out as orgasm. how freudian of him. our next assignment is 'altered reality' and i'm super stoked. he wants us to shoot something and alter it digitally which means i get to put my digital rebuilding skillz i learned at marke this summer to use in something other than moving zippers on products or changing stupid backgrounds for nordstrom products. hooray!

today i got in a fight with my mom over a bunch of crap that turned out to be bigger to me than i'd originally thought. she's off on some cruise with my aunts so i won't talk to her for a while. our relationship has turned to crap once again...

i got the new fiona apple album yesterday and i'm stoked as she has not put out an album since i was in high school. hooray X2!

tonight i have to finish my picture frame assignment and get all my ads printed out. i'm stoked to see what they look like when i hang them all up together on the wall.

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