Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I am carrying this scrap of paper that can crack the darkest sky wide open

that's me! hooray!
today was my first day of work and it was quite exciting, despite my nervousness. we're currently working on some luggage tags for blue q, a bid for hasboro, and a logo for an english teaching thing in france. there are also 3 office dogs that are wonderful for petting and loving and lots and lots of talking about design related stuff. yay : )

facebook just got much much creepier. though this little tidbit about miss molly did substantially brighten up my day. hahaha

tito's coming tomorrow!! yaaaay!!!! i do love tito very much. he's a wonderful friend for talking to and discussing the world & ideas with. how grand!

i ran into regina and jason on my way to get spring rolls for dinner tonight. we talked and laughed a lot and i enjoy their company very much. jason remarked that our encounter was the most he'd heard me talk since we met and i laughed a lot. apparently they thought i was shy... how is that possible?

i now have to be at work monday-friday at the ass crack of 9 a.m. so i need to begin tucking myself into bed earlyish. i'm not sure i'll ever like mornings though... blah! thank god this city has enough caffeine to fuel a hundred megans!!

... a hundred megans is a scary, scary thought ...

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