Monday, May 22, 2006

all good things must turn to grey

for the past week or so, i've been sleeping until about noon. yesterday i woke up to my phone ringing. it was laney. she called to say that she was sorry that we didn't get to hang out before we left school. i said i was also sorry, that i missed her. i asked her how she was doing, and she said not so well. her twin sister got in a car accident on the highway a few days ago... they didn't have a positive ID on the body, but it was her car, and they pulled a female out of the car.

everything went numb. i said i'm so sorry and i cried. we cried together. while i'd only met leslie once, laney talked about her all the time. they were twins and best friends. when someone dies, it is the living that bear the burdon of the loss. i relized that i was crying not necessarily for leslie so much as laney. when she came into the DO she was shy and withdrawn. leyla and i took her under our wing and watched her grow as both a designer and a person. we became good friends. laney used to help me with my advertising concepts. i realized i was crying because i've always wanted to protect laney. i didn't want her to have to experience a world that wouldn't be as kind, patient and understanding as the environment we tried to foster in our design office. while i lost my nonnie earlier this year, i can't even begin to imagine what she's going through right now... i've fealt numb since yesterday.

i read about the accident online. traffic had slowed down on the highway, and a logging truck slammed into 8 vehicles. leslie's was the first to be hit. laney said she just hoped that she didn't see it coming, that she didnt' feel any pain. the article said the driver hit the cars because he wasn't paying attention. i wonder if he realized when he said that that he had blood on his hands. that because he wasn't paying attention, laney lost the one person that was more important to her than anyone else in the world. in one of the articles they quoted laney:

A woman reached at the Bentz home said Leslie Bentz was her twin sister. The family was not ready to talk about the accident yesterday, she said. "She was a wonderful sister, the best sister you would ever meet in your life," she said.

laney said you can't be a twin without two... but i'll always be a twin.

i want to hug her, and protect her. i don't want her to feel this kind of pain... no one should have to feel this kind of pain.

laney said she wanted me to know that she really looked up to me, and that she learned a lot from me. that she loved me and missed me. she said that she thought of me because you never know when something like this could happen and that you have to appreciate the people that you love every day. i instantly thought of leyla and jamie.

i called jamie first. i needed to hear her voice, to know that she was ok. something about experiencing this kind of event made me super aware of the people around me, the ones that are still in my life and the relationships that have faded away. i realized life is very fragile and death is very perminent.

i didn't know if i should call leyla, but i thought that she deserved to know and i didn't know if laney would call her. her voice seemed distant. i couldn't tell if she was apathetic or if she was just uncomfortable because i'd called. i said i don't know where you are or what you're doing, and i don't know if you want to go but there's a memorial service this week. she said i would like to go but i'm kinda on the opposite side of the country, and she kind of chuckled. i thought that was really strange, but i figured it was just because she was nervous. i didn't ask what she was doing or how she was doing, and neither did she. i said ok well i'm gonna go, and she said i'll talk to you soon...

i called jared. he agreed that we should send flowers and maybe set up some kind of memorial fund in leslie's name. he sent me an email with information about the services. at the end he said: I'm sorry for every mean thing I ever did or said to you. Know that I won't remember college for a split second without you.

one night at the DO laney slammed her mouse hand in one of the windows. i gave her some ice and a stale circus peanut to make her feel better. she told me later that she still has it. when i was cleaning my room out today i found a marshmallow virgin mary statue under my desk. i'm going to bring it for her, and i hope it will at least make her giggle.

meredith, amy and i are going to go to the services on wednesday. i hope that in being there, we can help laney get through this... i don't really know what else we can do besides be there for her. this isn't the kind of pain that goes away any time soon...

Saturday, May 06, 2006

it's a wonderful night, c'mon and break it on down

today kat im'd me and said that she'd looked at my facebook photos from last night, and she wasn't sure if i was intoxicated or whatever, but i looked really really happy. i told her that i was not intoxicated at all. and i realized that people have told me that a lot lately. not just people i know really well, but random friends have said 'wow you are so bubbly and happy!' and i realized that how i feel lately is sooo sooo different from the beginning of the semester. i'm not sure i've ever been this happy, actually. i go out and i don't feel socially awkward or uncomfortable... i smile more, and i find myself walking through places like the grocery store dancing and singing to myself...

i think about jamie and how she's come into my life so intensely & quickly. i know that i wouldn't have healed so quickly from all the shit i went through at the first half of the semester if she hadn't been around, and i'm so grateful for her friendship. she makes me strong and brave. and not just when i'm with her, but when she's not around too. it's amazing how i've seen such an amazingly positive change in my life since she's been around... and i love her for this and other reasons, like the excessive use of the word 'amazing' in her vocabulary, how she smiles and says the word pink after i say it, her half smile & her little giggles

i think about the future and the things that i want to accomplish and i feel invinceable & unstoppable. it's an incredible feeling that usually leads to me smiling to myself...

tito came to visit this weekend, and i took him to hang out with jamie and her room mates last night. we grilled marshmallows and burgers with her room mates and took lots of happy pictures. all of jamie's room mates are amazing and really nice to me. i feel very comfortable around them, and lee, molly and erin rock my world. then we went to this party and tito, jamie and i ended up sitting on the floor talking about the social relevence of pornography and whether it's detrimental to society. i love connections with people. i love sitting down with someone who will contemplate just about anything with me... jamie and i do that a lot. and these are the things i live for: connections.

jamie and i were talking about our most recent works, her screen prints and my final photo project. and we realized how much each of us has affected the others work. that's also been a pretty amazing realization. i don't think i ever would have been comfortable making such a bold feminist statement with the 'war' series had it not been for her. the concept was almost directly derived from her thesis on the social construction of womens bodies. and her screen prints have become much more graphic and single minded. it's pretty incredible how the people we surround ourselves with can either have such a tremendous detrimental or positive effect on one's life... amazing...

i don't think about the stuff that used to get me down anymore... my head doesn't punish me by dwelling on bad thoughts. the people i've lost cross my mind, but the grief is fading and i'm left with the happy memories and an acceptance of that loss. i understand that everything comes full circle.

i was sitting on my porch the other night by myself smoking and smiling to myself (i find that i do this a lot these days), and andy actually crossed my mind. the memory of him was, probably for the first time ever, not accompanied by a flood of malicious memories. i thought about how i could probably sit down and eat a meal with him and not want to punch him in the face for what he did to me.

i am healing
and it feels amazing