Sunday, December 25, 2005

peter's houseboat, winona MN: alec soth

I do believe it's true
That there are roads left in both of our shoes
If the silence takes you
Then I hope it takes me too
So brown eyes I hold you near
Cause you're the only song I want to hear
A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere

driving home the other day, i was listening to death cab on full blast and this song struck me more than usual... i'm also obsessed with wolf parade. see previous post>

i shot some pictures in philly the other day with leyla that i'm quite excited about, and some on the way home from syracuse that also look pretty cool. lots of editing to do! but first, i have to get my freakin resume and portfolio out... tomorrow: to work!

do i want to be a photographer or a designer? as of late, i can't decide. though i seem to do photography for myself, and design for clients. maybe that is a hint as to how i should go about my future...

my mom got me a book that's a collection of stephen shore's work (Uncommon Places) for x-mas and i don't think i ever realized how amazing his work is. very inspiring. i also need to find alec soth's book, sleeping by the mississippi. i definately need to do some shooting around here before i go back to school.

here's a list of the things i'd like to take pictures of:
1. the culm (sp?) banks
2. a building on the side of 81 that's painted like an italian flag
3. a trailor park
4. harmony hills (or any homogenous looking houses)
5. christmas decorations
6. mr. denaples' giant piles of crushed cars
7. scranton
8. cow pastures & cows
9. portraits
10. the berwick power plant

i also need to get some flash slaves so i can do some bouncey lighting and find my automatic shutter release and such...

off to christmas dinner to consume some tasty margaritas woo!